Psst….Ask about the individual sports recovery package
Normatec Recovery 15-45 minutes
What is NormaTec? NormaTec is the leader in rapid recovery—our systems give a competitive edge to the world’s elite athletes, anyone with a physically demanding lifestyle, individuals suffering from a variety of circulatory disorders and individuals seeking pre and or post workout recovery. Whether you work out regularly, are training for a competition or race, experience swollen legs from traveling frequently, stand for long hours on the job, or suffer from inflammation or sore muscles, NormaTec will enhance circulation, improve mobility, and give themFresh Legs Faster®. The NormaTec PULSE Recovery Systems are dynamic compression devices that utilize our patented NormaTec Pulse Massage Pattern to help athletes and patients rehab and recover faster. Our systems include a control unit and attachments which go on the legs and or hips. They use compressed air to massage the limbs, mobilize fluid, and speed recovery. Why choose NormaTec?
• Speeds up recovery
• Increases circulation
• Reduces pain and inflammation
• Patented technology for proven results
• Relied on by 97% of pro teams.
Appointment Add On: $20
Stand Alone Visit $35
Chiropractic Care
New Patients: 55 minutes
Exam and treatment for first time patients. Includes a comprehensive evaluation and treatment. Treatment includes adjustment, electrical stimulation, heat/ice, ultrasound, a treatment plan and/or therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular re-education (all depending on the patient needs and recommendations by the provider). $165
Follow Up Appointments: 30-40 minutes
Includes addressing additional concerns since last visit and treatment including adjustment, heat/ice, modalities, (electrical stimulation, ultrasound and/or soft tissue). $95
Follow up Appointments Adjustment Only: 15-20 minutes
Don’t forget to request a consultation about my extensive referral network of surgeons, podiatrists, psychologists, family nurse practitioners and physical therapists! I’m here to help. You can also sumbit inquires for features or contributions to the blog….Just send an email. Can’t wait to hear from you!